Happy Halloween

Got A Dispute?
End It Now!

Let me paint you a ghoulish scene.
I had a commercial dispute.
And took the expensive litigation route.
My £375 per hour solicitor and I, went off to the court.
Where the defendants and I vigorously fought.
For some form of justice to be sought.

Win or lose.
At the end of it we required a deep snooze.
And several large quantities of booze!

Should I have litigated?
Could my costs have been mitigated?
What else could I have done?
To feel like I had won?!
The legal bill was run.
Which burnt me hotter than the sun
And stung harder than a bullet from a gun.
Trust me it was not fun!

My mental health has now deteriorated.
My stress levels were and have alleviated.
My life has become severely complicated.

All of this time which I will not get back and was a sheer waste.
But anxiously I just acted in haste.
With all the ghouls, goblins and ghosts. Why did I not pay heed to those mediation Linked In posts?

EDSL would have seen me well.
If only I had given them a quick bell.
I would not have fallen under the litigation spell.
Where the judge treated me like an evil witch.
And now I am left in a penniless ditch.

EDSL did say.
Their Mediators would pave a way.
For me to have my say.
Without any unnecessary delay.


Bhurji their Mediator Director.
The problem solving creator.
Said he could have saved me several thousands of pounds.
But instead I choose to deal with those legal satanic hounds.

I have wasted time, which was of the essence.
I should have let Bhurji Grace me with his mediation presence.
Lesson to be learnt.
Please do not get burnt.
In the monstrous depths of the litigation fire.
Bhurji is the mediator you should hire.
By the end of the mediation he’ll have the parties singing as if they were in a choir.

With charm, grace and wit.
Cutting straight through the sh..
Through the darkness into the lit.
Within a day.
He shall lead the way.

To remove all your stress.
And kill the ghostly litigation mess.
Call the magic mediator today.
Don’t stay away, otherwise it will be too late.
To mediate. The option remaining will be to litigate.
Which you will come to hate, and not rate, stuck in a never ending hellish debate!

In all seriousness however, If you have any disputes, you need to fly them to us, so that we can dispel all your evil, and give you a great Halloween discounted deal! 20 witches and ghost percentage off, any cases referred to us to by the 10th November 2017.

Choose a Mediator