Bristol Mediation Equine Horse Dispute

Got A Dispute?
End It Now!

Bristol Mediation,  is today’s destination, hopefully I can remove the party’s procrastination, leaving them with just fascination?

Right off to Bristol I trot trot trot, another mediation I had got.
Alleged breach of contract, over the sale of a horse, did it settle, please, what a foolish question, it’s me, of course!

The claimant alleges horsey is defective, the defendant contends its effective, well it was when it left their stable, I assure you this is no fabricated fable.

As I tried to table, the points of contention, I needed a break, & nipped outside and lit up a well-deserved Hedges and Benson.

Leaving the parties to consider the offers and counter offers, I was horse trading again, this time literally. The initial joint meeting was bitterly, descending into a horse trade of wrong doing, vet, livery costs which were mounting up and just on going.

In the interest of speed, I galloped between all, carefully, ensuring that neither party fall, addressing all of their concerns, no matter how large or small. Three hours into our horse race, there is no need to litigate this case, any further, well I do know how to mediate?!

The litigation had been going on for over half a year, the parties settle costing them nowhere near, the estimated fifty thousand to take this to a full trial. Lucky I was on hand, to get them to remove their heads out of the sand!

Bristol Mediation, breach of contract, fraud, property, landlord and tenant, probate, boundary, business, commercial dispute, workplace, family, employment mediation, whatever your complaint, no need to faint!

This CEDR Mediator, provides a nationwide UK mediation service, over any type of dispute. Therefore, place your bets on the mediator who will get you a win, going to other mediators, (who have no testimonials), is just a sin?!

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